Performance Assessment Steps & Checklist

Performance Assessment Steps & Checklist


Develop performance outcomes (POs)

  • What are the POs, and how do they align with the mission and strategic goals at the division and university level?
  • Is the number of POs manageable?
  • Are the POs written in a specific, clear and concise manner?
  • Are the POs demonstrable or measurable?
  • Are the POs discrete (i.e. no “double-barrel” POs)?

Identify methods and measures

  • What methods or strategies are used to accomplish the POs?
  • What is the cycle of data collection and timeline of assessment for the POs? Who is responsible?
  • What quantitative and/or qualitative methods will be used to measure each PO? Think multiple methods! 
  • How manageable and sustainable is the data collection plan?

Determine criteria for success

  • What is the satisfactory level of performance for each PO? Are staff aware of the expectations?
  • How do the criteria for success for each source of data align with the expected unit performance?

Collect and analyze data

  • What is the process (e.g. who, when, how) for analyzing the assessment data?
  • What is the process (e.g. who, when, how) for interpreting and evaluating the assessment results?
  • How will the assessment results be disseminated to faculty, students, administration, and other applicable stakeholders?

Plan and execute improvement actions

  • Are the assessment results used to improve policy, practices, and/or procedures?
  • What is the process (e.g. who, when, how) for planning AND implementing improvement actions?
  • How does the assessment process contribute to meeting internal requirements, and external commitments?

Document assessment activities

  • Who is responsible for documenting each step of the assessment loop?
  • How is the impact of the improvement actions captured and documented?
  • Is there a clear, organized process for documenting assessment activities (e.g. POs, plans, data, improvements)?