woman with robot valet pepper


     Robot valactivity bot robotets and companions are coming soon. Be on the forefront of this emerging market by being the brains behind the machine. Many robot kits are now available for hobbyists and professionals alike.

     A good place to start is at This site has several small and easy to assemble robot kits such as the fun ActivityBot  that promises to teach real world engineering skills with step by step instructions from wiring the circuit board to code examples to use with your robot.  

    If you like Legos, you should consider the Lego Mindstorms. These are not just for kids, but anyone with a desire to program a robot. Lego provides you with everything you need to get started including an intuitive graphical programming tool and several guides illustrating different ways to configure your robot. Movement and response to touch are just some of the actions you l

lego mindstorms robot

earn how to program. More advanced programmers can use the text based Robot C or Java languages. 

   A more advanced robot called Pepper, has the ability to read emotions and interact with you. It does this by analyzing your expressions or tone of voice. It can also be programed to dance or be a tour guide. Choregraphe is the programming language used for Pepper, but advanced knowledge in Python and C++ is great for creating even more complex interactions for this robot. Pepper will be released in Japan starting February of 2015.