Quotes Highlighting Challenges

"I’ve been doing this for 12 years and I still feel disposable ... Part-time people are kind of treated like stepchildren. It’s like fill that class, do your job, don’t ask any questions, don’t bother us, we’re the important people over here, … And then you might ask, well, why do you keep doing this for 12 years? It’s because of the connection with the students. That’s what keeps me going.” (1:5) 

“So when they throw these absolutely stupid procedures to go through that are meaningless, that don’t help me, that I don’t get any good feedback. Nobody’s coming into my clinicals or coming into my classes and watching me going, “Hey, you know, I really like the way you did this, but try doing this other thing.” That would actually help me be better at my job. None of that.” (2:19)