Quotes from Focus Group Regarding Job Satisfaction

I have had a very supportive mentor and mentors in my ten years working as a part-time lecturer. Although I do wonder what the experience would be like if I had not had such involved mentors because I have recognized over time that there has been difficulty accessing information or even understanding information that would go out to all faculty that did not necessarily apply to lectures and not really knowing what to do in those cases… (1: 4-5)

I’m very fortunate that I’ve been here long enough that I pretty much, barring getting more classes, I at least get my three, and the greatest of all is getting my insurance (3:3)

I am increasingly satisfied by the Faculty Development Center. While their programming is excellent, there have been several times when I’ve had an attempt to go and enroll, and because of my part-time status, it wouldn’t let me enroll. (3:11)