Academic Achievement Award
Awarded each year to the graduating senior majoring in American Studies who is judged by the American Studies faculty to show the greatest academic promise. The faculty considers several factors in addition to grade point average; foremost among these other factors are the quality of mind the student has shown in his or her career as an American Studies major. A permanent plaque with the names of all award winners is on display on the 4th floor of University Hall.
Year Awarded |
Recipient |
2022-23 | Xochitl Garcia |
2021-22 | Jeremiah Counihan |
2020-21 | Nadine Boctor and Grace Johnson |
2019-20 | Evan Dang |
2018-19 | Stephanie Vargas |
2017-18 | Maria Priscilla Carcido |
2016-17 | Sara Roberts |
2015-16 | Hilda Anguiano |
2014-15 | Brianna Flores |
2013-14 | Brandon Goco |
2012-13 | Paula Beckman |
2011-12 | Alexandria Attanasio |
2010-11 | David Donley |
2009-10 | Heather Brown |
2008-09 | Anita Rice |
2007-08 | Cailin White |
2006-07 | Lori Burrows |
2005-06 | Brittany Franck |
2004-05 | Patti Thomas |
2003-04 | Karen Ann Amos |
2002-03 | Jennifer Sasai |
2001-02 | Laura Alexander |
2000-01 | John McCarthy |
1999-00 | Lori Ann Madsen |
1998-99 | Laurie Dieppa |
1997-98 | Justine Pas and Linda Vandenbroeke |
1996-97 | Leigh Logan and Lisa Thompson |
1995-96 | Shauna M. Butler |
1994-95 | Wendy Barker |
1993-94 | Denise Flynn |
1992-93 | Robert Morey |
1991-92 | Jason Lacomb |
1990-91 | Noelle Dickenson |
1989-90 | Yvette Lane |
1988-89 | Tracy A. Smith |
1987-88 | Helen Sims |
1986-87 | Dorothy Thompson |
1985-86 | Mary L. Williams |
1984-85 | April Schwenneker |
Academic Achievement Award winners: Top Row: Jennifer Sasai; Patti Thomas; Brittany Franck; Lori Burrows; Row 2: Heather Brown; David Donley; Alexandria Attanasio; Hilda Anguiano; Evan Dang; Nadine Boctor; Grace Johnson; Jeremiah Counihan; Xochitl Garcia