Sketch of two intersecting human heads

The American Papers

The American Papers  is the journal of the CSUF American Studies Student Association. Each year, the American Papers Editorial Board, comprised of graduate and undergraduate students, selects the very best papers written for American Studies courses that year, works with authors to edit those essays, and produces a high-quality journal featuring our students' very best scholarship.

Call for Papers, 2024-25PDF File

The American Papers, 2022-2023

Faculty Adviser: Eric Gonzaba

Editors-in-Chief: Kelly McMahon and Nadine Boctor

Lead Layout Editor: Melissa Garrison

Editorial Board: Shannon Anderson, Angelica Barajas, Dianna Barahona Carrillo, Melissa Garrison, Douglas Lord, Kathleen Loreto, Austin Robles, Collette Rhoads, Nicole Spinos

Layout Assistance: Alexander Alvarado

Submitting to The American Papers

The editorial board meets every summer to review submitted essays from the last academic year.

1) The editorial board will read all submissions anonymously, so please take your name off the body of the paper. Include only the paper title and the course for which it was written on the paper itself. In other words, remove your name from the header of the essay.

2) The American Papers does not accept previously published submissions.

3) Please include a separate cover sheet with:

·        Your name

·        Your email and telephone contact information

·        The title of the paper

·        The course and the semester in which it was written

·        The prompt for the paper (if applicable and possible)

4) Submit your paper either to the American Studies Office (GH-313), or by emailing it to If submitting a hard copy to the American Studies Office, please mark your submission "Professor Eric Gonzaba: American Papers." If emailing a copy, you should submit the paper and cover sheet as two separate Microsoft Word files. The subject heading of the email should say "American Papers Submission."

5) The submission deadline is typically the first week of June.

Authors will receive a letter notifying them of the Editorial Board's decision in August. Accepted essays must be revised and resubmitted in electronic format at the beginning of the following fall  semester.

Any questions? Contact Professor Eric Gonzaba,