FAQs for Current MPH Students


What if I want to take a 400 or 500 level class outside of our department?

In most cases, these classes will require a permit. Please e-mail the Graduate Advisor the following information:

  • Your name,
  • your student ID # (CWID),
  • the course name and number,
  • and the section number.

The advisor will work with the other department to obtain a permit. After you are permitted you can add the class. Reminder: you can only use 9 units of 400 level courses on your study plan.

What classes can I take through intersession/summer?

The summer between years 1 and 2, all students are required to take Core Competency courses PUBH 515 and PUBH 524. Other than that, you can take other 400 and 500 level courses taught in other departments. Please verify with the Graduate Advisor that they can be used on your graduate study plan and that they fit your advisory track.


Does the program require summer course work?

Yes. Two Core Competency courses (PUBH 515, PUBH 524) are offered during the summer only. Most students enroll in these courses the summer between year 1 and year 2.  If you choose not to take courses during the summer of the first academic year you are enrolled, you will have to wait to take them the summer of the next academic year. For example, if you begin your MPH in Fall 2014, most students will enroll in PUBH 515 and PUBH 524 during Summer 2015.  If you choose not to enroll in Summer 2015, then you will have to wait until Summer 2016 to take the courses. Keep in mind that you cannot receive your MPH degree until you have completed all Core Competency courses, internship, electives and the culminating experience.


How often do summer courses meet?

Since time is compressed in the summer session, classes meet three times a week, after 4pm.  The courses do not overlap. One course is taught in Summer Session A (5 weeks, usually starting late May or beginning of June) and the other in Summer Session B (5 weeks, usually starting early July).


What is the maximum number of units I can be enrolled in?

Twelve (12) units. If you decide to enroll in more units you will need to get an excess unit petition form signed and brought back to Admissions and Records. Please contact the Graduate Advisor before enrolling in excess units.


How often should I see the Graduate Advisor?

It is recommended that you check in with the Graduate Advisor once per semester. However, if you are making changes to your study plan, filing a grad check, or have questions about project/thesis processes you should email the Graduate Advisor as soon as possible.


Will Health Science 500 level classes ever be full?

These classes are restricted to you and will not close. However, it is a good idea to enroll in them during Titan I (especially electives). If there are not enough students, there is a chance (though  rare) that the class may be cancelled.


What if I want to take a class for credit outside the University while enrolled in the   MPH program?

You must write up a formal request including why you want to take this course, institution name, dates, units and course description including schedule number. The Graduate Advisor must get prior approval by the Dean of Graduate Studies before you can take this class.


How long do I have to make-up an incomplete?

You have one calendar year to complete your work and get a grade change submitted before the incomplete turns into an “IC” which is equivalent to an “F”.


What if I am trying to register for PUBH 599 (independent study), PUBH 550 (internship) or PUBH 597/598 (project/thesis) and can’t add it?

These courses are restricted courses. You must have a permit to register for PUBH 550, PUBH 597, PUBH 598, or PUBH 599.  Mary Aboud provides the permits. However, there are forms that you must complete before you can be issued a permit. These forms are located on the MPH Titanium site.

 In order to register for internship, you must email the Internship Coordinator first to get approval.


When should I file a Graduation Check?

A graduation check must be filed by the beginning of the semester in which you graduate. To file a grad check you must go to admissions and records and pay a fee of $115.00.

Be sure to check with the Graduate Advisor to verify that you have met the graduation requirements.


What if I need to make a change in my approved study plan?

You need to print out the “Change in Study Plan” form located on MPH Titanium site, complete it and submit it to the Graduate Advisor. Study plan changes should meet the requirements your advisory track. This form will be placed in your file until your graduation check has been processed. At this time, approved changes will be documented on your study plan.


When can I start my internship?

The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH) requires 240 hours of internship.  Students may begin the internship after completing all Core Competency courses and two (2) electives. Usually students begin their internship in the spring semester of year 2. More details can be found on the MPH Titanium site.


Can I take internship over the summer?

Yes, you may register for internship over the summer. Please see the MPH Titanium site for instructions. You may contact the Internship Coordinator if you still have questions. Keep in mind that you will need to complete required assignments as part of your internship.


Can I do my internship at my current workplace?

Yes, provided that you are supervised by someone with an MPH or comparable degree who is not currently supervising you and you are completing work that meets the requirements of the MPH program and is not in your current job description.


What if I don’t finish my thesis/project in the semester which I am enrolled?

If you don’t finish your project or thesis and have no additional courses to take, you must stay continuously enrolled in the University. You will need to enroll in GS-700 and pay a reduced course fee.

The only time you do not need to enroll in GS-700 is over the summer.


Can I graduate over summer?

Perhaps. Since summer session is not a regular semester, the University faculty and staff may not be able to provide the services you need to complete your program. You will need to fill out a Summer Completion Petition form which will need to be signed by the Graduate Advisor and your project or thesis chair (if applicable).

If you are taking the Comprehensive Exam as your culminating experience and you want to graduate in the summer after completing the extra elective required, please contact the Graduate Advisor for advice on how to proceed.

If you have previously applied to graduate in the spring, you will need to move your graduation check forward to summer by going to admissions and records and paying a $10.00 fee and submitting a Change in Graduation Date form. Instructions can be found at:
https://csufconnect.fullerton.edu/howtochangeagraduationdate/Opens in new window


Can I walk in May Commencement Ceremony if I have one more class to take?

Yes, as long as you have reviewed your timeline with the Graduate Advisor and are on track to graduate the following semester.


I understand posters are required to be presented at the MPH Awards Ceremony. What if I graduate in Fall?

You must still turn in a “8 ½ X 11” form of your poster and include it on CD rom with your project. Most students make special arrangements to attend the spring symposium and present their poster.


Questions about your project/thesis must be directed to your project/ thesis chair. A few important points to remember:

1) You must complete all the necessary paperwork before you can be permitted to add the project/ thesis course. You must also complete all core classes before you can register. Ideally the project/ thesis should be the last course you complete. If you are doing a thesis and scheduling your oral proposal, this must be scheduled several weeks in advance so a room can be reserved for the oral proposal defense. Please remember to bring your thesis proposal form to your oral defense to collect signatures of your committee members.

 2) Always check the “schedule of classes”. The schedule of classes has important information on it including: registration, last day to add a class, last day to withdrawal, last day to get your thesis into the thesis reader, final examination schedule etc.

3) Always make at least 2 copies of your project or thesis. You must turn in a bound official hard copy of your thesis to the department. If you are doing a project, you must turn in 2 spiral bound or three-ring binder of your project. One goes to your project chair, the other to the department. A binder clip will not work. If you are doing a project you must also submit your project and poster on cd-rom. Posters must also be printed out “8 ½ X 11” and included in your project.



Department of Public Health    | 800 North State College Blvd., Fullerton, California 92834, Room KHS-121,        Phone: (657) 278-3316, Fax: (657) 278-5317