
Eta sigma gamma


Eta Sigma Gamma (ESG) Delta Rho is the public health honorary society at California State University, Fullerton, and is the local chapter of the national ESG health education honorary. The mission of the honorary is promotion of the discipline by elevating the standards, ideals, competence, and ethics of professionally prepared individuals in health education. Each year, ESG works on campus and community health-related events to expose members to different areas of health education while providing service to the community.

The ESG Board consists of Public Health majors, and members include Public Health undergraduate and Master of Public Health graduate students. The 2015-16 board members are:

·     President & Inter-Club Council Rep:: Alondra Rodriguez
·     Vice President and Historian: Kathleen Nguyen
·      Financial Officer & Fundraising Chair: Alexandra Salcido
·      Secretary: Brian Montano
·      Events Coordinator: Vanessa Balingit
·      Community Service Chair: Gabriela Castorena

Application for our student honor society (ESG).PDF File Opens in new window

For more information on activities and how to get involved, please contact the faculty sponsor: Dr. Laura Chandler, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, (657)278-7995;

Peer Health University Network

The Peer Health University Network (PHUN) is a student-based organization with the mission of promoting healthy behaviors and practices for students at California State University, Fullerton. Peer Health Educators (PHEs) are trained to provide presentations and coordinate campus outreach events on a variety of health topics affective our college campus, including reproductive health, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, nutrition, physical fitness, stress management, mental health, and general health.

For more information on activities and how to get involved, please go to their website at: PHUN Website.Opens in new window