Faculty Demographics

Number of Faculty By Ethnicity

Year American Indian/
Alaska Native
African American
Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander
Asian White Non-Resident
Two or
More Races
Fall 2017 10 74 231 4 371 1,326 76 16 101
Fall 2018 8 63 221 4 378 1,280 67 15 86
Fall 2019 9 70 251 3 404 1,298 41 19 87
Fall 2020 8 74 257 3 409 1,204 33 20 81
Fall 2021 6 88 286 2 422 1,189 31 22 78
Fall 2022 6 89 326 2 434 1,189 44 29 76



New Faculty (Tenured/Tenure-Track) Demographics*

Number of Faculty By Gender

Year Female Male Non-Binary
2016-17 28 31  
2017-18 22 19  
2018-19 12 12  
2019-20 38 16  
2020-21 24 12  
2021-22 15 15 2

Number of Faculty By Ethnicity

Year American Indian/
Alaska Native
African American
Native Hawaiian/
Pacific Islander
Asian White Non-Resident
Two or
More Races
2016-17 1 4 4   5 23 22    
2017-18   3 6   9 16 6 1  
2018-19   1 3   3 10 6   1
2019-20   5 6   8 23 8 2 2
2020-21   4 10   7 9 4   2
2021-22   5 7   3 9 7 1  

Faculty (T/TT) Employment Statuses at the End of Sixth Year by Gender and Select Ethnicity Group*


Year Tenured or
Otherwise Retained
Separated Terminal
Year Given
2011-12 14 (82%) 1 (6%) 2 (12%)
2012-13 22 (88%) 3 (12%)  
2013-14 19 (76%) 5 (20%) 1 (4%)
2014-15 15 (68%) 6 (27%) 1 (5%)
2015-16 32 (80%) 8 (20%)  
2016-17 25 (89%) 3 (11%)  


Year Tenured or
Otherwise Retained
Separated Terminal
Year Given
2011-12 22 (76%) 6 (21%) 1 (3%)
2012-13 12 (75%) 3 (19%) 1 (6%)
2013-14 9 (82%) 2 (18%)  
2014-15 20 (65%) 10 (32%) 1 (3%)
2015-16 27 (82%) 5 (15%) 1 (3%)
2016-17 26 (84%) 5 (16%)  


Year Tenured or
Otherwise Retained
Separated Terminal
Year Given
2011-12 8 (73%) 2 (18%) 1 (9%)
2012-13 3 (75%) 1 (25%)  
2013-14 2 (67%) 1 (33%)  
2014-15 3 (50%) 3 (50%)  
2015-16 10 (67%) 5 (33%)  
2016-17 5 (100%)    

Black/African American

Year Tenured or
Otherwise Retained
Separated Terminal
Year Given
2011-12 1 (100%)    
2012-13   1 (100%)  
2013-14 4 (100%)    
2014-15 1 (50%) 1 (50%)  
2015-16 3 (75%) 1 (25%)  
2016-17 3 (75%) 1 (25%  

*The gender and ethnicity categories follow IPEDS reporting conventions, and reflect the categories at new faculty's time of hire as tenured/tenure-track faculty.