Faculty Recruitment and Retention

At Cal State Fullerton, we create the conditions where all Titan faculty excel and flourish. Below are summaries of our most recent efforts in creating and cultivating an increasingly diverse professoriate and faculty success. 

Updating rtp Standards

At the initiative of Academic Senate Resolution 21-93PDF File Opens in new window calling for a more equitable evaluation process, Cal State Fullerton updated its standards for retention, tenure and promotion (RTP) to reflect the campus' commitment to social justice and to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The latest standards address important issues that include cultural taxation, equitable pedagogy, increased transparency in the RTP process, and bias in student course ratings.

The updates, outlined in University Policy Statement 210.002PDF File Opens in new window , serve as a guide for departments across campus to revise their personnel standards. Departments are on track to complete their revisions by Fall 2023 with the assistance of the Office of Faculty Affairs and Records (FAR), which has devoted resources to aid departments in their efforts.


COTA associate dean dave mickey in the classroom

computer engineering associate professor yu bai

Improving Faculty Job Satisfaction 

CSUF's Division of Academic Affairs and Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning commissioned two studies to answer the following questions: What is the level of faculty job satisfaction? In what ways is CSUF successful at supporting faculty? How can we improve the working conditions at CSUF so that faculty will be successful?

The COACHE survey captured full-time faculty sentiment with regard to teaching, service and research, tenure and promotion, departmental engagement and collegiality, and other aspects of the academic workplace. A focus group study, conducted by the Social Science Research Center, captured experiences and challenges as part-time lecturers at CSUF.


Seeking Depth, Diversity in Candidate Pools

Working with Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion (HRDI), the Division of Academic Affairs is taking a more-involved approach to hiring by reviewing applicant pools for depth and diversity when positions close, prior to department review and selection of first-round candidates.

Searches with inadequate pools will either be extended and modified to attract greater depth and diversity of candidates or cancelled and reframed for the following year.


professor pointing out instruction on the board in classroom