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Sociology Learning Communities

The Department of Sociology has two learning communities available to our majors--one for transfer students and one for first-year freshman students. A learning community is a small group or cohort of students who share common academic goals. By taking classes together and/or engaging in peer-to-peer learning, you get to know each other better, learn from each other, and support each other.

The specific benefits for participation in the TSLC through the Department of Sociology include:

  • A guaranteed seat in all four core sociology courses
  • A predictable time slot and days of the week for courses in TSLC
  • A peer group that takes all core courses together for three semesters

Overall, research shows that students who participate in a learning community benefit by:

  • Doing better academically
  • Completing their degree more quickly
  • Benefiting from being part of a diverse community
  • Feeling connected to their college department
  • Being more satisfied with their academic experiences
  • Being more involved on campus and in the community

    To learn more about the learning community opportunities in our department, please select the learning opportunity option below that fits yout CSUF position as either a transfer student or first-year freshman student.

First-Year Student Learning Community

As a student in the First Year Student Learning Center (FSLC), you are guaranteed a seat in all five of the core sociology courses (SOCI 101, 302, 303, 308, and 410) over the next four years and one sociology elective (SOCI 201). For Fall 2024, the section is: 

SOCI 101-Introduction to Sociology - Monday/Wednesday at 11:30 (in-person)

As you continue your degree in sociology as a member of the FSLC, you will (1) take core courses with the same peers, (2) explore some free resources on campus as part of the community, (3) the department will organize and pay for a number of extra-curricular activities (e.g.: campus plays, lectures, sporting events, etc.) while you are in the learning community program, and you will (4) meet regularly with a department advisor who is dedicated this program to assure your study plan and progress are on track.


Flyer for First Year Students

Transfer Student Learning Community

As a student in the Transfer Student Learning Center (TSLC), you are guaranteed a seat in the four required sociology courses (SOCI 302, SOCI 303, SOCI 308, and SOCI 410). For Fall 2024, the two sections are:

SOCI 308-Writing for Sociology - Tuesday/Thursday at 10:00 AM (Hybrid Instruction)

SOCI 302-Research Methods - Tuesday/Thursday at 11:30 AM (In-Person)

As you continue your degree in sociology as a member of the TSLC, you will (1) take core courses with the same peers over three semesters, (2) explore some free resources on campus as part of the community, (3) the department will organize and pay for a number of extra-curricular activities (e.g.: campus plays, lectures, sporting events, etc.) while you are in the learning community program, and you will (4) meet regularly with a department advisor who is dedicated this program to assure your study plan and progress are on track.


Flyer for Transfer Students