

Abdou, N., De La Torre Roman, Y.M., & Swarat, S. (2024). You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink: Harnessing the power of storytelling to change that.  49th Annual CAIR Conference.  San Francisco, CA.

De La Torre Roman, Y.M., Swarat, S., & Villegas, E. (2024). Facilitating a Culture of Data through a Campus-wide Data Governance Process. WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, San Diego, CA.

Karimi, A., Swarat, S., Abdou, N (2024). An Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Students and Their Majors at CSUF. 2024 AIR Forum, Denver, CO.

Park, G., and Swarat, S. (2024). The Dual Roles of Data in Facilitating Inclusive and Evidence-Based Strategic Planning. WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, San Diego, CA.


De La Torre Roman, Y.M., Swarat, S., & Villegas, E. (2023). Elevating Assessment, Elevating Success: A Focused Approach to Support Graduate Students. WSCUC ARC Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Fontaine, S. & Swarat, S. (2023). Institutional Data Localized: Collaboration Between an English Professor and a Learning Scientist. WSCUC ARC Conference, Anaheim, CA.

Hernandez, J., Murarka, R., & Badillo, A. (2023). Collaborative partnerships: Understanding our students through data. NASPA Annual Conference, Boston, MA.

Park, K., Park, G., & Boutakidis, I. (2023). Using Case-Control Matching to Assess Impact of Ascend on Students. 48th Annual CAIR Conference, Garden Grove, CA.

Park, G. & Swarat, S. (2023). The Dual Roles of Data in Data-Informed Strategic Planning Process. 48th Annual CAIR Conference, Garden Grove, CA.

Yi, K., Karimi, A., Swarat, S. (2023). Unintended “Match-Making” Between Students and Majors: An Exploratory Cluster Analysis.  48th Annual CAIR Conference, Garden Grove, CA.


Biesiada, M. & Abdou, N. (2022). Navigating Institutional Faculty Data Needs.  47th Annual CAIR Conference, La Jolla, CA.

Abdou, N., De La Torre Roman, Y.M., & Swarat, S. (2022). Data Partners: Integrating Assessment and IR for Institutional Effectiveness. 47th Annual CAIR Conference, La Jolla, CA.

Karimi, A. & Swarat, S. (2022). Fact or Fiction: Demythify Common Campus Assumptions. 47th Annual CAIR Conference, La Jolla, CA.

Yang, K. & Abdou, N. (2022). Exceptions Prove the Rule? Course Exception Analysis on Student Success Outcomes. 47th Annual CAIR Conference, La Jolla, CA.

Biesiada, M. & Abdou, N., (2022). Using Python to Improve the First-Year Experience ProgramPDF File Opens in new window . AAC&U 2022 Conference, San Diego, CA. 

De La Torre Roman, Y.M., Hernandez, J., Murarka, R., & Swarat, S. (2022). Beyond Enrollment:
The Role of Data in Equitably Serving Latinx Students. WSCUC ARC Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Swarat, S. & Karimi, A. (2022).  Student success through the data lens: Harnessing the power of data to focus institutional efforts.  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, San Francisco, CA. 

Villegas, E. & De La Torre Roman, Y.M., (2022) Beyond paperwork: Assessment reporting for improvement. 47th Annual CAIR Conference, La Jolla, CA.

Biesiada, M. & Dawson, R. (2022). Does “15 to Finish” Mean Better Performance. 47th Annual CAIR Conference, La Jolla, CA.


Abdou, N., Swarat, S. & Murarka, R. (2021). The Court is now in session: How is our enrollment? 46th Annual CAIR Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Murarka, R., Dawson, R., Biesiada, M. & Swarat, S. (2021). Maps for Data Advocacy: Informing Institutional Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. 46th Annual CAIR Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Karimi, A. & Swarat,S. (2021). Graduation predictive model to support student success and GI2025. 46th Annual CAIR Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Murarka, R., Dawson, R. & Swarat, S. (2021). Making Assessment "Personal": Unpacking Student Learning and Engagement. 46th Annual CAIR Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Biesiada, M., Abdou, N., Yang, K., & Swarat, S. (2021) An Analysis of First-Year Experience Courses Using Propensity Score MatchingPDF File Opens in new window . 46th Annual CAIR Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA.

Dawson, R., & Swarat, C. (2021). Inclusion of International Students through the Power of Data Visualization.  AAC&U Conference on Global Learning, Virtual Conference .

Babcock, J., Park, G., & Swarat, S. (2021).  Program Performance Review at CSUF.  The “Institutional Research Support for Academic Program Review” Symposium by the University of Hawaii, Manoa, Virtual.

Swarat, S., Stang, K., & Karimi, A. (2021).  Informed by data and verified by data: Effective faculty support during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities, Virtual conference.


Swarat, S., Karimi, A., & Murarka, R. (2020).  Tracking student experiences from admission to graduation.  Tableau Conference Higher ED Meet Up.

Murarka, R. & Collins, C. (2020). Supplemental Instruction meets Analytics: Driving the SI Program using Tableau. 11th International Conference on Supplemental Instruction, Baltimore, MD. (Conference canceled)

Karimi, A. & Swarat, S. (2020).  Triple opportunity, triple impact: Use data mining to eliminate equity gaps. Association for Institutional Research Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.  (Conference canceled)

Oliver, P. & Swarat, S. (2020).  “Students at the heart”: Harnessing the power of data to focus institutional effort to eliminate equity gaps.  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Garden Grove, CA.  (Conference canceled)

Oliver, P. & Swarat, S. (2020).  WSCUC is coming? Complete the reaffirmation process (almost) stress-free.  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Garden Grove, CA.  (Conference canceled)

Chukwuemeka, V., Swarat, S., & Zhang, Y. (2020).  Three IR offices’ approach to supporting program reviews.  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Garden Grove, CA.  (Conference canceled)

Swarat, S. & Babcock, J. (2020). Assessment is not alone: Amplify the impact on student learning by triangulating assessment and institutional data.   WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Garden Grove, CA. (Conference canceled)


Biesiada, M., Yang, K., Abdou, N. (2019). Why faculty count: Strengthening faculty data to support student success.PDF File Opens in new window 44th Annual CAIR Conference, Seaside, CA. 

Abdou, N., Biesiada, M., Yang, K., Babcock, J. (2019). Finish in four: An analysis of men, STEM, and underrepresented students.PDF File Opens in new window 44th Annual CAIR Conference, Seaside, CA. 

Dawson, R., Karimi, A., Abdou, N., Swarat, S. (2019). Responding to E01110: Creating collaborative campus conversations.PDF File Opens in new window 44th Annual CAIR Conference, Seaside, CA.

Swarat, S., Karimi, A., & Murarka, R. (2019). Visualizing opportunities for equity: Unearthing college experience of underrepresented students.PDF File Opens in new window  44th Annual CAIR Conference, Seaside, CA. 

Kinzie, J., Castellino, L., Swarat, S., & Shindledecker, E. (2019). Mining and maximizing NSSE data to advance student success. 44th Annual CAIR Conference, Seaside, CA. 

Karimi, A., Swarat, S. (2019). Unpacking the focus of equity gap: UR - Pell - First Gen.PDF File Opens in new window CSU Institutional Research Directors Conference, Northridge, CA. 

Babcock, J., De La Torre, Y. (2019). Assessment Clinic.  Mihaylo Annual Assessment Conference XXIII , Fullerton, CA.

Babcock, J., Swarat, S., Swanson, D. (2019). Offering an assessment inquiry grant to promote a culture of assessment.   WSCUC Academic Resource Conference , Garden Grove, CA.

Grant, K., Hong, R., Swarat, S. (2019). Inclusive vantage points: Campus assessment for students by students. WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Garden Grove, CA. 

Swarat, S., Zhang, Y. (2019). NSSE data online dissemination tools: Put both quantitative and qualitative data in use. WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Garden Grove, CA. 


Biesiada, M., Kuroki, Y., Badal, M. (2018). Increasing student participation in NSSE: Practical strategies and methodological benefits.PDF File Opens in new window  43rd Annual CAIR Conference, Garden Grove, CA. 

Karimi, A., Murarka, R., Swarat, S. (2018). NSSE sentiment analysis: A cluster-based approach of survey respondents. PDF File Opens in new window 43rd Annual CAIR Conference, Garden Grove, CA. 

Dawson, R., Badal, M. (2018). Tracking the fidelity of high impact practice (HIPs) implementation through data triangulation. PDF File Opens in new window 43rd Annual CAIR Conference, Garden Grove, CA. 

Babcock, J. & Swarat, S. (2018). Crafting an authentic meaning of degree statement.PDF File Opens in new window 43rd Annual CAIR Conference, Garden Grove, CA.

Dabirian, A., Swarat, S., Peng, W., Galano, P. (2018). Titanium engagement: Enhancing the visibility and accessibility of learning management system (LMS) data to support learning. PDF File Opens in new window WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Burlingame, CA. 

Swarat, S., Hariri, S., Mead, R., Wrynn, A., Oliver, P. (2018). Engaging faculty in GE assessment: The "unintended consequences" of community-building through assessment.PDF File Opens in new window  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Burlingame, CA. 

Babcock, J., Swarat, S., Shafae, M., Hariri, S. (2018). Curriculum map visualization: Promoting learning outcome alignment. WSCUC Academic Resource Conference, Burlingame, CA.

Babcock, J., Swarat, S., De La Torre, Y. (2018). Peer review: Assessing institution-wide assessment practice. Mihaylo Annual Assessment Conference XXII, Fullerton, CA.


Moon, S., Karimi, A., Furuichi, A., Kuroki, Y., Murarka, R., & Yang, S . (2017). Graduation Initiative 2025: Role of institutional research to support data-driven decision at CSU Fullerton.   42nd Annual CAIR Conference , Concord, CA.

Karimi, A., Moon, S., & Murarka, R. (2017). Campus sentiment analysis using Twitter data.   42nd Annual CAIR Conference , Concord, CA.

Kuroki, Y., & Moon, S. (2017). Identifying factors influencing timely graduation: Recent research and developments. 42nd Annual CAIR Conference , Concord, CA.

Furuichi, A., & Moon, S. (2017). Common Data Set preparation using R.   42nd Annual CAIR Conference , Concord, CA.

Kuroki, Y., & Moon, S. (2017). Is my survey biased? The importance of measurement invariance. 42nd Annual CAIR Conference , Concord, CA.

Swarat, S., Babcock, J., & De La Torre, Y. (2017). Capturing the meaning of student success for all: An introduction to the Small Group Analysis technique. NASPA Western Regional Conference, Waikiki, HI.

Moon, S. (2017). Cal State Fullerton at a glance. Teacher Educators: Partners, and Collaborators Conference, Fullerton, CA.

Moon, S., Luzzi, J., Nguyen, R., Leone, D., & Oliver, P. (2017). Dashboards as innovative tools for utilizing actionable data and evidence-based practices. Grauation Initiative Informed Decision-Making Conference , San Bernardino, CA.

Moon, S., & Karimi, A. (2017). College-wide goals for Graduation Initiative 2025. Grauation Initiative Informed Decision-Making Conference , San Bernardino, CA.

Swarat, S., & Babcock, J. (2017). Improving teamwork assessment: Examples and applications.   Mihaylo Annual Assessment Conference XXI,  Fullerton, CA.

Babcock, J., & Swarat, S. (2017). Uniting a large campus towards institutional mission through assessment.  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference , San Diego, CA.

Swarat, S., Dabirian, A., Galano, P., & Badal, M. (2017). What happens in a high impact practice: Using technology to understand student experience.  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference , San Diego, CA.

Swarat, S., Wrynn, A., Babcock, J., & Oliver, P. (2017). Scholarship of assessment: An effective way to engage faculty.  WSCUC Academic Resource Conference , San Diego, CA.

Wrynn, A., & Swarat, S. (2017). Engaging faculty in curriculum and assessment: What works (and what doesn’t). Annual Meeting of the Association of American Colleges and Universities,  San Francisco, CA.

Moon, S., Karimi, A., Taing, A., & Murarka, R. (2017). College-wide goals for Graduation Initiative 2025: CSU IR Director's Meeting. CSU IR Director's Meeting, Fresno, CA.

Patel, N., Maleky, N., Babcock, J., & Swarat, S. (2017). High impact interventions to enhance student learning of stem cell biology specific knowledge and skills.   Southern California PKAL Regional Network Annual Meeting , San Diego, CA.

Babcock, J., & De La Torre, Y. (2017). Understanding the Black male student experience and promoting their success.PDF File Opens in new window  AAC&U Diversity, Learning, and Student Success Conference, Jacksonville, FL.