ArchanaArchana McEligot

Location: KHS 227
Telephone: (657)278-3822
Fax: (657)278-5317
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Advising Areas:

Nutrition, Epidemiology, Cancer Epidemiology, Energy Balance

Courses Taught:

Archana J. McEligot, PhD, is a nutritional epidemiologist and professor of Health Science at California State University, Fullerton.  Dr. McEligot received her PhD in Public Health Epidemiology from the joint doctoral program between UCSD and SDSU.  Dr. McEligot’s primary research interests include examination of the association between dietary intakes and chronic disease control and prevention in at-risk populations.  Also, she is interested in assessing the relationship between dietary circulating biomarkers, such as folate and carotenoids in conjunction with genetic polymorphisms on disease risk. 

Dr. McEligot is passionate about her research and teaching endeavors.  She is the first awardee at CSUF to receive the prestigious National Cancer Institutes Career Development Award investigating the interaction between DNA repair genes and diet on breast cancer risk.  The findings of this study will help further explore not only diet, but the role of diet and genes on breast cancer risk and survival.  Also, Dr. McEligot has recently been awarded USDA external grants on training and educating diverse students to understand the multiple factors related to proper nutrition and obesity in underserved communities.  Through these projects Dr. McEligot works closely with community partners and CSUF students, focusing on integrating grass-roots movements, local and federal level policy and social contextual issues in the HESC curricula, which will contribute to training diverse students in both macro and micro- health influences, and subsequently contribute to improving nutrition and obesity in diverse populations.